Annual Report 2018 Link Here

The 2017/18 annual report hard copy is available for collection from the office.

In Summary

The past financial year was another promising result with the net profit (operating income) before depreciation and amortization was $582,000.

Depreciation and amortization from capital purchases and works was $535,000.

The net profit was $46,700.

Total revenue was up, which was offset by the increase in labour expenses; however, the Board were mindful that the amount of resources put into the golf course including the
new greens and the short game facility, that our course staff numbers had to also increase to maintain the golf course in the manner expected by Members.

The capital purchases and works completed in the last year were as follows; 

Course works including the new greens at the 1st & 4th, couch surround work at the 2nd & 14th green.

New tees at the 3rd blue and 6th tees and the new bent nursery at the 4th fairway entrance.

Course machinery including 2 core machines, 2 course work vehicles and greens roller.

The old maintenance facility enhancements and indoor practice facility.

Clubhouse renovations, computer upgrades, air conditioning installment into the lock rooms etc etc.